Amanda, CA
"Laila Kammerman could not have picked a better name for her practice. Every time we meet, I leave feeling physically lighter - the weight of emotion and challenges and health issues I faced are eased and released. I also feel more spiritual light in my life after each of our sessions. She has brought me healing that I never knew was possible! Issues I faced that I thought I would struggle with forever became nonexistent in less than an hour of her healing work. She has a gift of healing and understanding, and I know each time we meet, although it's sometimes hard to get myself there, I will feel better after. She has helped improve the quality of my life in every way with her healing gifts.
"I struggled with guilt, shame, shoulder and neck pain, hypotension, worthiness, and stress. Laila helped me heal from every single one."
"Before meeting with Laila, my son was often defiant, withdrawn, and giving up on things that seemed hard to him. She was able to clear negative emotions related to his traumatic birth and taught me how to support my strong-willed son with love and guidance and allow him to own his own power to make choices. He is more loving and affectionate. He is more accepting of our teachings and has a sense of individualism by recognizing his own gifts and talents. Thank you Laila for helping my son gain a closer relationship with us as his parents and his family."
J. H.
"My husband had severe anxiety and has dealt with it off and on throughout his whole life. He was struggling at work because the anxiety was so bad. After Laila did clearing work for him- he now gets up in the morning happy and ready for the day, he enjoys work, has lost weight and says feels better than he ever has. Thank you Laila for using your skills and talents to bless the lives of others!"
A. S.
“Energy work has been part of my life for many years, and it is rare when I find someone who understands and uses their talents and knowledge as well as Laila. She truly has a gift for this work. Laila has been able to help me balance my life in a way that aligns my core values with my actions. She also has been able to help with generational issues affecting me and my whole family.
One experience from my first session dealt with generational issues with money. She cleared false beliefs and patterns that had kept us stuck in perpetual struggle. After our session, I drove to my parent’s house to tell them about the things that we had worked on. My dad was smiling, when I told him of the money blocks Laila had cleared. He said it was no coincidence that they had just gotten an offer on the house they had been trying to sell--it had been on the market for quite some time. (Some would explain it as mere coincidence, but there are several things that happened that cannot be explained away.)
I do believe we can change, fix, repair and heal from our life experiences...if we are open-minded to be helped. I would highly recommend giving Laila an opportunity to see what she can help you within your life. You never know how much better things can be, if you don't at least give it a try."
S. Lee
"Before meeting with Laila I was feeling disconnected with my family. I was so overwhelmed with the daily responsibilities as a mother of 5 that I was drained and left with not much joy and love. Laila helped me to regain this power and strength and relieve me from this load of stress. Now I am so happy and see the joy in small things. I feel reconnected to my family and have weights of the world lifted from my mind, body and spirit. Thank you so much Laila!"
Stacey Cardon
"I have done multiple energy sessions with Laila, and every time we finish I feel more grounded and at peace. Her gift for feeling blocks in the body and helping me work through them has literally changed the trajectory of my life.
"She is very thorough, and won’t end without working through everything that is out of balance. [...] In a matter of a few simple truths she offers me, layers of misconceptions have been cleared out of my mind. Her affirmations, books recommendations and even meditation music are resources I still use to this day. Everything starts with a thought, so having Laila help me process my thoughts has honestly been invaluable."
R. W.
"I was feeling stuck, unable to move forward, and troubled with physical ailments that the doctors couldn’t find a solution for. I plead with the Lord to fix me, and then, a series of events happened in my life, which led me to be prepared for what Laila Kammerman has to offer. After working with her, my ears are not clogged for the first time in my life, and my allergies have cleared. My neck, back and feet all feel better, and I have an overall feeling of health. On the spiritual side, I’m finally feeling that I can and will become the amazing person God has always known I could be, and wanted me to be. I feel ready to take on whatever He has in store for me."
J. H.
"Through Laila's work, I have seen significant changes in my kids ability to learn and desire to try new things. I have seen an increase in confidence in my two boys. My oldest son was struggling on his comprehension tests in school and after Laila did clearing work for him- he has improved immensely! His teacher said she can't believe it- there is a night and day difference in his school performance. His violin teacher is so pleased with his performance. He is ahead of all of the students in his group. His last performance his teacher said his violin piece couldn't have been better and his accompanist said he stole the show. My 5 year old would not hold a pencil, color, draw, or let me teach him letters and sounds. Since Laila did clearing work on him- he now colors daily, holds his pencil right, draws, wrights his letters, knows his letters and sounds, and can read small words."
M. Broadbent
"Laila is amazing! She is so gifted in energy work but she also has great wisdom, common sense, and compassion. Her work has blessed my life and every member of my family. Her sessions have been instrumental in raising my self-esteem and helping me overcome a host of challenges.
We all know that change begins with 'me'. Using SimplyALIGN tools and her intuitive gifts, Laila has helped me let go of lots of old baggage, which in turn, has affected the way I feel about life and how I handle stress and frustration. I am now able to be a better wife and mother and overall a happier person. I asked her to work with a couple of my children who were having some challenges and she helped them see life with a vastly improved outlook, to improve in self-confidence, and feel hopeful even in times of difficulty.
This past year I have gone through chemo and Laila pretty much saved me. I can't imagine how I would have survived without her wonderful skills. She assisted me in a way that allowed me to handle things in an upbeat and optimistic way. Through her sessions, I was able to release lots of fear and worry, and it even helped with pain."
J. A., ID
"We brought our daughter to Laila several months ago and have been amazed every day since then. We adopted our sweet little girl when she was just 10 days old. She was the happiest, sweetest girl you would have ever met. When she was 18 months old, she was hit in the head with a log swing. This is when her severe tantrums began. We visited several doctors and they all seemed to think her birthmother must have used drugs or alcohol when she was pregnant. We had a strong feeling this was not the case, but felt as though the professional world didn’t agree.
When she was a toddler she would scream for 2-3 hours at a time, her siblings knew when this happened to stay away or she would hurt them. As she got older, she was better able to understand that she couldn’t lash out on those around her when she would be frustrated, but still every 1-2 days she would have a awful meltdown and scream and throw things that would last a couple hours. She would complain of severe headaches on a daily basis. She excelled in school, except she didn’t understand math at all. She really struggled in church and didn’t like being there. She wouldn’t read scriptures with us and refused to say prayers. After only one session with Laila, we have seen huge changes! That very day she offered to say the prayer at dinner and wanted to watch a church movie that night before bed. We saw little changes in her every day. She still gets frustrated, but instead of screaming and throwing things, she can tell us what is wrong or even what she would like to do.
At a family reunion, a cousin hurt her feelings and she left the room and just cried and cried and clenched her hands in fists. I just held her and let her tell me what was wrong. She had the words to explain to me how she was feeling! This was amazing to me. She told me she just wanted to punch him. I responded with “great!” She knew she couldn’t punch him, but she had the words to explain to me exactly how she was feeling. This was something she hadn’t been able to do before.
Within about 2 weeks she was able to do math! She could do simple addition problems and figured this out by herself over the summer just days before school started! It really was a miracle. She still gets frustrated. However, it doesn’t last long at all and she is able to find the words to explain to us how she feels inside. She does great at church and is a much happier person. She doesn’t complain of headaches very often anymore. We were so glad to have Laila help us. She confirmed our feeling that drugs had not been used, and we got our sweet little girl back!"
J. A., East Coast USA
"I had very little knowledge about energy work before Laila. I am so grateful my sister recommended her. My digestion problems and infertility have been going on for almost a year and have been so hard! None of the tests that the three gastroenterologists conducted yielded any results. My OB didn't find anything either. My first two sessions with Laila opened up my eyes to how stress and past trauma have been the root causes of both of these physical problems (which really was a surprise to me).
I feel I have made more actual progress with Laila than with any of those doctors. Laila is so easy to talk to and so caring. She spoke words of affirmation that penetrated my very soul. She definitely has a unique gift from God and some unique training. With my permission and understanding that I am a Christian, she encouraged me to do some unique visualizations relying on the Savior. I broke down and sobbed a few times. I have had a lot of post-session processing of my emotions as a result, and it has been hard work. The books she recommended have been excellent too.
All this hard work is so worth it because I can finally feel the seeds of healing beginning to grow! I also feel flooded with forgiveness for my ex-husband (among other things). Laila also sent me some affirmations that I’ve adapted to me and they are very helpful. I am so grateful I was led to her."
Update: "Two additional sessions later and I am pregnant! I feel I can call on Laila to help me understand my issues so much more clearly. I also have been going to acupuncture and just started back with my therapist, so it’s nice to have a support system, but Laila’s help has truly been the key to finding and resolving my core issues."
T. W.
"My session with Laila was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. She was able to help my body release fears, unhelpful beliefs, and deeply buried pain. Through her SimplyALIGN techniques, I have been able to move past issues that have been sucking my energy for years. When I left the session, I felt as if I weighed 25 pounds less...the weight of those burdens was gone. I left feeling more capable, more confident, and more energized than I have felt for a long time.
I also asked my husband and daughter to have a session with her. My husband experienced a variety of physical changes. His bladder and prostate are working much more efficiently and his entire body and emotions are working more cohesively together. My daughter is searching for whom she is and trying to figure out how to navigate her teen years. Her session assisted her in seeing herself as God sees her and integrating that vision into her daily living. I have since recommended Laila's sessions to many other friends and family and they have all experienced positive changes and a renewed sense of purpose and direction in their lives."
Vickie J.
"My session with Laila has been a great blessing in my life. My oldest daughter passed away almost two years ago. There was so many negative emotions surrounding her life and death. We did a lot of clearing with that. I no longer have unbelievable sadness and emotional pain when I think of her. What a wonderful gift! I have had a great deal of stress in my life. Since my session, I have felt peace unlike I have felt before. A session with Laila was one of the best experiences of my life."
L. Simmons
"It was probably 3 years ago I first went to Laila. I was in a low place, willing to try something new; and it was new! Really different than anything I had done before. And as we talked, things came up, things got cleared, and it felt like a real shift had occurred! I literally felt lighter.
Then we moved and life got busy and my 20-year high school reunion came. I hadn’t even addressed my growing-up life in so long and somehow it was still there. Good and messy memories needing some relief and resolving.
I scheduled an appointment with Laila, and the feeling was so fun in the 2nd appointment because I didn’t have any apprehension. It was still somehow familiar and comfortable. We talked and cleared and addressed and let go of and shifted and she took time to get right to the specific root of things that were bothering me---but not in a prying or personal way.
It’s hard to explain but at the end of a session with Laila, you literally do just feel soooo light! A palpable, literal, actual, beautiful transformation. And for me, so many emotional things were cleared and addressed that it allowed me to get to a new place of learning and understanding. What was stuck now flowed so I could move on, move up. I went on that reunion trip to see my childhood and reconnect with people from decades ago and literally felt different being there as a result of my Feel So Light session. I could be calm and be complete and be myself. It was a really beautiful transformation. So grateful for Laila and her ability and willingness to share her gifts.​"
Michelle B.
"I always feel completely relieved, full of hope, and at peace after a session with Laila (which is a pretty big deal, because I usually wait until I'm just shy of desperate before I book an appointment). Actually, I absolutely DO "Feel so light" after a session with her! She is extremely insightful and skilled at what she does, and I cannot say enough good things about her. I give Laila my highest recommendation, without hesitation. She has been, and will continue to be, a great blessing in my life."
N. A.
"I have worked with Laila for many years and her services have been of great benefit to me. I have depression and anxiety for which I take medication and go to counseling - which is very helpful; but sometimes I get stuck in a particularly negative view of life, or a situation that seems too overwhelming.
Laila is able to clear the negative energy and help me get in touch with my true self and my true desires. This leaves me feeling as if the fog has lifted and I can then see a pathway in front of me that leads to a greater ability to see things as they really are, and an ability to more fully enjoy the blessings in my life. Laila is emotionally and spiritually intuitive which helps her to understand many of the issues that might be weighing me down. I highly recommend her services to anyone who is ready to let go of negative energy and live a more abundant life."
Katie B.
"I have worked with Laila on and off for over 12 years. What a blessing she is in my life! For the last five years, I have struggled with infertility and all of the emotions that come with it.
During a session a few months ago, she asked if I had ever heard of Methylated folate, she explained that there is a gene mutation that affects about one in three women and encouraged me to look into it/research it. A main reason I had scheduled that session with Laila was to help prepare myself for an upcoming fertility treatment. I decided to make the switch in my vitamins to see if they would help my body be better prepared to accept the treatment.
While waiting to start treatment, a series of tests are needed to make sure that you are a good candidate. The test normally takes a couple of months to complete. During my testing period, I was using the methylated folate vitamins. With this being my second round of treatment, I was curious to see if there would be any difference in my results.
The week before I was to begin the hormone treatment we went one more time to make sure all the loose ends were taken care of. It's standard procedure to always do a blood pregnancy test along with an HGC and a few other hormone tests. Later that day they called me with my results and told me that I had a positive pregnancy test!
With everything that was going on and trying to make healthy changes, it was definitely a miracle to me! I’m so grateful for the hope and for the direction that comes when you are in tune with God and with yourself. Thank you Laila for your wellness coaching and energy alignment!"